A space for learning.

Building a Community of Climate Leaders Takes on New Meaning for One Earth Day Volunteer
On April 23rd, Community Environmental Council’s (CEC) Santa Barbara Earth Day event brought our community together in celebration of local efforts to protect the environment, and to inspire further action. After two years of no public in-person events, it also provided a great opportunity to connect with eco-minded individuals, organizations, and businesses—and in at least one case, receive a job offer out of it!

CEC's 2015 Environmental Hero: Bill McKibben
CEC proudly announces environmental activist and author Bill McKibben as our 2015 Environmental Hero Award recipient.

Another Successful Earth Day! Thank you.
We are proud to report 37,364 people attended Santa Barbara Earth Day this year! It's beyond inspiring to see so many people gather to share information, participate in community building, and celebrate this year’s theme “Local Roots,” which encouraged meaningful actions to help make a global impact. The festival was organized around the CEC’s five initiatives: Drive Less, Choose Electric, Go Solar, Ditch Plastic, and Eat Local.