A space for learning.

Abriendo camino para los vehículos eléctricos - Kit de recursos del seminario virtual
Conoce los incentivos y las soluciones de recarga para los vehículos eléctricos más recientes. Navega los obstáculos que salgan en el camino y súbete al VE adecuado para ti.

Support the Climate Resilience Bond:Vote “Yes” on Prop 4
This November, California voters have an opportunity to make a historic impact by voting for Prop 4 — the Climate Resilience Bond (SB 867). Prop 4 would provide the resources necessary to protect our communities from the escalating impacts of climate change.

Navigating EV Roadblocks - Webinar Resources Toolkit
This webinar is for individuals who understand the basics of driving electric, but need more information before taking the leap. CEC’s Electrify Your Life team and community members who drive an EV answer your questions and help clarify your outstanding concerns so you can start saving money and join the movement to reduce carbon emissions.

Make Your Voice Heard: Tell Goleta to Adopt an Electric Vehicle Reach Code
On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the City of Goleta will vote to adopt an EV reach code. EV reach codes are one of the most powerful ways to expand charging access at multifamily properties and workplaces so that renters and those without access to charging at home can more easily and affordably use electric vehicles. We ask for your help to ensure Goleta constructs EV-ready residential and commercial buildings.

Act Now on County of Santa Barbara's Climate Action Plan
Join us to tell the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors that this Climate Action Plan must include emissions from oil and gas facilities. Attend the Board meeting and provide public comment, Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at the Board Chambers in Santa Maria

La Crisis del Plástico: Ciencia y Soluciones
El plástico está en todas partes. Como resultado, nuestros cuerpos y ecosistemas naturales contienen multitudes de microplásticos dañinos.

5 Ways To Cut Plastic Out of Your Life
Here are five actions you can take now to start cutting plastic out of your life, with links to lots of helpful resources.

The Plastic Crisis: Science and Solutions
Plastic is everywhere. As a result, our bodies and natural systems contain multitudes of harmful microplastics.

Los cargadores de vehículos eléctricos para el hogar
Configurar una estación de recarga para un vehículo eléctrico (VE) en el hogar, puede hacer que rentar o comprar un VE sea mucho más conveniente.

At-Home EV Charging
Setting up an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at home can make owning or leasing an EV much more convenient. With all of the current rebates and incentives available, adding an at-home charging station can be quite affordable, and in some cases, free.

Community Environmental Council Hosts 2024 Green Gala: “Regeneration” – A Celebration of Hope and Climate Action
Community Environmental Council Hosts 2024 Green Gala: “Regeneration” – A Celebration of Hope and Climate Action

Help ensure the City of Santa Barbara continues ambitious climate action!
On July 2, 2024, the Santa Barbara City Council will consider adopting an updated Climate Action Plan. The Community Environmental Council has been tracking this plan for many years, and we need your support to ensure Santa Barbara adopts this plan and continues implementing bold climate solutions.

Laura Francis: Inspiring Future Generations
A love of nature, coupled with a deep-rooted sense of responsibility for our shared world, have been defining factors in Laura Francis’ life.

Empowering Change: An Evening with Dr. Flávia Maia Resources Toolkit
The Community Environmental Council and our co-host Telea Insights would like to thank everyone who joined us on January 19 at CEC’s new Environmental Hub for an inspiring evening with Brazilian climate leader Dr. Flávia Maia.

Featured Legacy Donors: John and Karen Jostes
John Jostes grew up in Oakland, CA exploring urban creeks and taking regular backpacking and fishing excursions in the Sierras. Those early experiences in nature shaped his core environmental values.

Climate Activist Training: How to Participate in Government Meetings Resources Toolkit
CEC was thrilled to host the recent Climate Activist Training—our first-ever hybrid, bilingual event where we shared guidance on getting involved in local policy and CEC’s latest climate policy actions.

CEC Climate Stewards: Local Activists Creating Waves of Action
Get inspired by a powerful showcase of community-led action.

CEC Provides Climate Leadership Opportunities
The Community Environmental Council’s Climate Leadership initiatives are working to educate, unite, and activate a broad range of Central Coast residents.