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Make Your Voice Heard: Tell Goleta to Adopt an Electric Vehicle Reach Code
On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the City of Goleta will vote to adopt an EV reach code. EV reach codes are one of the most powerful ways to expand charging access at multifamily properties and workplaces so that renters and those without access to charging at home can more easily and affordably use electric vehicles. We ask for your help to ensure Goleta constructs EV-ready residential and commercial buildings.
Los cargadores de vehículos eléctricos para el hogar
Configurar una estación de recarga para un vehículo eléctrico (VE) en el hogar, puede hacer que rentar o comprar un VE sea mucho más conveniente.
At-Home EV Charging
Setting up an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at home can make owning or leasing an EV much more convenient. With all of the current rebates and incentives available, adding an at-home charging station can be quite affordable, and in some cases, free.
Help ensure the City of Santa Barbara continues ambitious climate action!
On July 2, 2024, the Santa Barbara City Council will consider adopting an updated Climate Action Plan. The Community Environmental Council has been tracking this plan for many years, and we need your support to ensure Santa Barbara adopts this plan and continues implementing bold climate solutions.
The Biggest Climate Wins of 2023
While it was difficult to surpass 2022’s unprecedented climate wins, the successes we saw this year in California are keeping the winds at our backs, maintaining our momentum toward rapid and equitable climate solutions.
Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels Series Electrify Your Life: Top Ways to Ditch Fossil Fuels
Learn how one family kicked their daily fossil fuel habit––and how you and your family can too. Hear about the most impactful changes you can make today to create all-electric homes, commutes and communities that are safer and healthier.
How my family is getting fossil fuels out of our life — and how you can too
There are now many fantastic solutions that make it possible for individuals and households to ditch fossil fuels. My family was fortunate enough to purchase a small house in 2010, and over the past decade we have reduced our daily fossil fuel use by about 95%. Below you’ll find 10 powerful actions so that you can too!
Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels: Electrifying Multifamily Buildings
The Community Environmental Council (CEC) has played a key role in connecting building owners to programs like 3C-REN and SOMAH that provide monetary incentives and technical assistance to make electrification a smooth and rewarding experience.
Get Charged: Everything You Need to Drive Electric
As extremely high gas prices make electric vehicles (EVs) even more appealing, California is once again accelerating the green energy transition. In August 2022, the California Air Resources Board issued a historic rule that bans the sale of new gas-powered cars starting in 2035. This bold action by the largest auto market in the United States will drive innovation that ripples out to other states and beyond.
2022 All-Electric REACH Code FAQ
The following FAQ on all-electric REACH Codes is an updated version (as of September 2022) of a post published in February of 2020.
Legislature Takes Bold Action, Bolstering CEC’s Work To Reverse Climate Change on California’s Central Coast
The Community Environmental Council applauds the California Legislature for passing a range of impressive climate bills last night.
Five Climate Actions You Can Take Now
7 Reasons to Have Hope for the Climate
Electric Vehicle 101 - All Your Questions Answered
Join CEC’s Energy and Climate Programs Director Michael Chiacos to learn whether an electric vehicle (EV) is right for you. We provided information and resources to get you started on your electric vehicle journey and cover the benefits of switching to electric, which include:
Transportation is responsible for more than half of California carbon emissions, so moving to a clean fuel vehicle is one of the most impactful climate actions you can take.
There are options for all lifestyles – more than 60 models of cars as well as bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and onewheels.
Charging is getting easier all the time – the number of charging stations on the Central Coast rose to 1,800 last year – nearly double the previous year!
Taller de Vehículos Eléctricos Asequibles: Cómo calificar para un VE gratuito o de bajo costo
Únase al Director de Programas de Energía y Clima de CEC, Michael Chiacos, y a la Asociada de Energía y Clima de CEC, Jen Hernández -ambos propietarios de vehículos eléctricos y expertos del sector- para saber qué vehículo eléctrico o híbrido enchufable de más de 100 mpge puede ser el mejor para usted. Michael compartió su experiencia conduciendo sobre el sol desde 2012. Jen, que recientemente alquiló un VE por 20 dólares al mes, compartió por qué la decisión de conducir un eléctrico fue una elección fácil para su familia.
Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic: How to Qualify for a Free or Low-Cost EV
Join CEC’s Energy and Climate Programs Director Michael Chiacos and CEC’s Energy and Climate Associate Jen Hernández – both EV owners and industry experts – to learn which 100+ mpge electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid might be best for you. Michael shared his experience driving on sunshine since 2012. Jen, who leased a 2020 EV for $20/month, shared why the decision to drive electric was an easy choice for her family.
Revertir, Reparar, Proteger: Plan de acción climática audaz del CEC
La Casa Blanca ha declarado oficialmente que estamos en una emergencia climática. Es hora de apoyarse en soluciones locales como nunca lo hemos hecho, y eso significa una acción climática implacable, enfocada, inclusiva y valiente en la Costa Central.
CEC (Consejo Comunitario del Medio Ambiente por sus siglas en inglés) delineado un plan ambicioso sobre cómo nuestra comunidad puede enfrentar este momento urgente y trabajar juntos para detener la crisis climática, de manera rápida y equitativa, a través de tres esfuerzos principales:
Cero carbono: Trabajando para que no haya nuevas emisiones
Carbono negativo: Aprovechar el poder de la naturaleza para eliminar el exceso de carbono de la atmósfera
Protección del clima: Abordar los impactos del cambio climático que ya están en marcha
Reverse. Repair. Protect. CEC’s Bold Climate Action Plan
The White House has officially declared we are in a climate emergency. It’s time to lean into local solutions like never before – and that means unrelenting, focused, inclusive, and courageous climate action on the Central Coast.
CEC has outlined an ambitious plan for how our community can meet this urgent moment and go all in together on halting the climate crisis – rapidly and equitably – through three major efforts:
Reverse: Push for ambitious, equitable zero emissions and zero waste goals for the energy, transportation, food, and agriculture sectors
Repair: Tap into the power of nature to draw down excess carbon from the atmosphere and repair the disrupted carbon cycle
Protect: Safeguard the health of our general public and vulnerable populations from the impacts of climate change already underway
WIN: City of Santa Barbara moves forward an Energy Code Amendment
The City of Santa Barbara is moving forward an Energy Code Amendment that would require new buildings to be built all-electric instead of also using natural gas. This new code does not apply to existing buildings or homes, and will have NO affect on existing buildings supplied by natural gas.
These new buildings will help make zero carbon communities possible and will get us a step closer to the City's goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2035. The next step is to consult with stakeholders and bring back a refined all-electric code for new buildings in the next couple months.
Solarize Ventura County - Home Solar, Electric Vehicles, and Battery Systems
If you’ve considered switching to an electric vehicle (EV) – and would like to charge at home with solar energy – now may be the perfect time to take the leap and learn how to Drive on Sunshine! Please join us to learn how driving electric pairs perfectly with going solar. We’ll cover EV options, help you consider the vehicles that will work for your lifestyle, and share how incentive programs make EVs more affordable than ever. We’ll also discuss the basics of solar, and how CEC’s Solarize Ventura County makes it easier and more affordable to go solar, add home battery systems, or both.
Solarize Santa Barbara - Home Solar, Electric Vehicles, and Battery Systems
If you’ve considered switching to an electric vehicle (EV) – and would like to add a solar system to charge at home with solar energy – now may be the perfect time to take the leap and learn how to Drive on Sunshine!
Learn how driving electric pairs perfectly with going solar. We cover EV options, help you consider the vehicles that will work for your lifestyle, and share how incentive programs make EVs more affordable than ever. We also discuss the basics of solar, and how CEC’s Solarize Santa Barbara makes it easier and more affordable to go solar, add home energy storage, or both.
WIN: Strauss Wind Project underway! #cleanenergy
We are pleased to share that the Strauss Wind Project received its permits in early May. This means that construction can begin on Santa Barbara’s first wind farm. Renewable energy continues to be more cost-effective than oil and gas and the struggles of the fossil fuel industry during the COVID-19 pandemic are only increasing this divide.
WIN: Help speed the transition to electric vehicles #driveclean
In 2019, CEC was able to have follow-up conversations with our Electric Drive 805 partners and work with them to streamline permitting for EV charging stations. This laid the groundwork for Electric Drive 805 to launch the South Central Coast CALeVIP program in 2021, providing $12 million in new state funding to build new EV charging stations in our region.
Local Governments Say Yes to Electric Vehicles
CEC has long been on the front lines of advocating and developing infrastructure for a transition to electric vehicles in our region. This year has seen big strides with local governments adopting strategies to move their fleets to electric vehicles and to provide more charging access to employees and the public.
Stop risky oil development in Santa Barbara County
The Santa Barbara County Planning Commission heard public comment on the controversial ERG cyclic steaming oil project on March 13, 2019. Comments took the entire day and they pushed the report to be heard on March 27. After the March 27 meeting, they determined they needed more information, continuing the item until May 29.
They directed staff to conduct research on many of the points CEC brought up, specifically around the carbon intensity of the proposed oil production and what a greenhouse gas offset plan would look like. We will keep following the issue and share updates as we receive them.
WIN: Santa Barbara Unified goes solar
Thanks to advocacy efforts from CEC and others, and particularly CEC past board president and SBUSD board member Laura Capps, Santa Barbara Unified School District moved forward with a comprehensive solar and storage project. Fourteen sites will install solar and six will include battery energy storage, for a total of five megawatts of solar and five megawatt hours of energy storage. This is one of the largest solar+storage projects in Santa Barbara and a fantastic asset for our community.
Four Not-To-Miss Articles About CEC's Work
WIN: Community Choice Energy takes a huge step forward
After over a decade of encouragement from the Community Environmental Council and other advocates, the County of Santa Barbara, and the Cities of Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Carpinteria all independently voted to move forward with launching a local Community Choice program.