Climate-Smart Agriculture > Climate-Smart Agriculture Resources
Climate-Smart Agriculture Resources
CEC works to connect you with Climate-Smart Agriculture solutions, including funding opportunities to move this important work forward. Click on any of the links below to explore these resources.
A ranching solution to climate change
Resources for farmers & ranchers
Technical Assistance
If you are a farmer or rancher in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, or Ventura Counties, the Community Environmental Council can connect your agricultural operation with incentive payments and support for climate-smart agriculture practices. Complete our Agriculture Incentive Connector intake form
Interested in finding funding?
Contact your local Resource Conservation District and see below to learn more about funding opportunities and options for grant and technical assistance:
Santa Barbara County
Cachuma Resource Conservation District: Anna Olsen, aolsen@rcdsantabarbara.org
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): Emma Chow, emma.chow@usda.gov
Ventura County
Ventura County Resource Conservation District: Jamie Whiteford, jamiewhiteford.vcrcd@gmail.com
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): Dawn Affman, dawn.afman@usda.gov
California Healthy Soils Program: Funds for implementation of soil-building practices (cover cropping, mulching, and dozens more). $28 million allocated for 2019-2020 fiscal year. Learn more.
NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): EQIP provides financial and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers for projects and management practices that have environmental and agronomic benefits, such as improved water and air quality, conserved ground and surface water, reduced soil erosion and sedimentation, and improved or created wildlife habitat. Contact your local NRCS office (above) to learn more.
Interested in the economics of soil health?
Read about a Merced County Soil Health Case study.
Interested in the ecological co-benefits of soil health practices?
Read this resource from the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Interested in finding other services or assistance?
The Santa Barbara County Food Action Network is facilitating access to funding, other forms of capital, legal services, and long-term, sustainable farmland. SBCFAN is also facilitating space and equipment sharing between organizations and individuals throughout the food system.