Circular Economy > Plastic Reduction
Plastic Reduction
The Community Environmental Council (CEC) and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper (SBCK) have partnered on single-use plastics reduction in our region for more than a decade. Working together, we have successfully advocated for bans on plastic bags, straws, stirrers, and Styrofoam food containers. While both organizations believe that the best single-use plastic is the one that isn’t used in the first place, we also recognize that it’s very difficult to get our usage down to zero. That’s why we’ve also partnered with local businesses and organizations to expand collection of film plastic and Styrofoam for landfill diversion.
Attend a CEC Plastic-Free Event
CEC hosts a Plastic-Free Expo and Plastic-Free webinars each summer. The expo features more than a dozen local organizations, businesses, and government agencies that offer information and resources for eliminating plastic. Webinars focus on a variety of plastic-related topics and offer opportunities to take action. See our calendar of events for more information and to register. See below for our latest webinar recordings.
Take the Plastic Free Challenge
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people “be the solution to plastic pollution.” The movement, begun by one woman in Australia in 2011, has since reached over 100 million participants in 190 countries. Take the challenge.
Divert your film plastic
The Community Environmental Council (CEC) is pleased to support the Planet Protector program in their efforts to collect and repurpose hard-to-recycle film plastics. This project was started by Sasha Ablitt, owner of Ablitt’s Fine Cleaners & Tailors, and a CEC Climate Stewards alumna. Visit Ablitt’s website for information on their twice weekly sorting sessions and join their mailing list to be alerted of upcoming recycling events.
Tips to Reduce Waste
Choose to purchase items not packaged or shipped in film plastic or Styrofoam whenever possible.
Select retailers that limit packaging and prioritize paper, which is more easily recycled.
Bring your own reusable cup, bag or container whenever possible to avoid single-use plastic containers.
Let retailers using these products know that you would prefer that they provide other options.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely avoid these items in our everyday lives, but when you have the power to say no and make an alternative choice, do it!
Drop Off Your Styrofoam
Drop off your Styrofoam to MarBorg Industries in Goleta or Santa Barbara. Visit Marborg’s website for more information and drop-off locations.
What you can include:
Clean Styrofoam (remove all tape, wrapping, or concrete)
If it “snaps” into pieces, it is acceptable
What you cannot include:
Any foam that once held food
Packing peanuts, packing foam sheets, memory foam, pool noodles, concrete-coated foam
If it bends without snapping, it is unacceptable
Get Educated
Visit the Circular Economy Resources page to learn more about #plasticfree options and sign up for email alerts from CEC that provide info on our latest plastic reduction and recycling efforts. You can invite CEC staff to speak to your school or community group about plastics reduction by contacting Kathi King, CEC’s Director of Climate Education & Leadership, at kking@cecmail.org.
The Community Environmental Council (CEC) and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper (SBCK) have partnered on single-use plastics reduction in our region for more than a decade. Working together, we have successfully advocated for bans on plastic bags, straws, stirrers, and Styrofoam food containers.
In 2022, California Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 54 into law. This landmark legislation will reduce plastic packaging in the state and shift the waste management burden to the plastics industry. This is called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Watch our Plastic Pollution Solutions webinar to learn more about this legislation and related information about reducing single-use plastics from local to national scales.
CEC has worked with local partners, including nonprofit organizations like Santa Barbara Channelkeeper and businesses like Ablitt’s Fine Cleaners & Tailors, to divert hard-to-recycle plastic that would otherwise end up in the landfill.
CEC’s Rethink the Drink program has provided 125 school and community water refill stations throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. These machines serve as an alternative to single-use bottled water and have been used more than seven million times. The program also provides plastics-reduction focused environmental education to schools and community groups. If you would like CEC staff to speak to your group, please contact Kathi King, CEC’s Director of Climate Education & Leadership, at kking@cecmail.org.